1963 FOREMOST LIQUORS PIN-UP CALENDAR Bill Layne Arnquist Moonshiner Rocket


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SKU: AHS-20-1216-021 Categories: ,


1963 FOREMOST LIQUORS PIN-UP CALENDAR Bill Layne Arnquist Moonshiner RocketThis is an original and complete 1963 Calendar printed by Louis F. Dow, St. Paul 14, Minn.On the cover, it says: “Have a Wonderful Holiday” and then “with the best of everything for the New Year to you!

The pin-up art is by Bill Layne, who is a famed Walt Disney artist who did other work under the pseudonym of “Arnquist”, which is clearly visible on the base of the rocket. The scene depicts the top of a steep sided plateau on which there is clearly a moonshine operation. Except this moonshine is actual rocket fuel, for a hillbilly rocket that is candy-striped. The pin-up girl is putting her fingers into her ears and appears to be ready for an explosion as she runs away.

The calendar itself is complete and unused. There are all sorts of illustrated days and holidays highlighted. Of note in just January is the celebration of Alaska becoming a state in 1959 (just 4 years before), Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday, Robert E. Lee’s Birthday, Stonewall Jackson’s Birthday, and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Birthday.

But, as you continue to look through the months, it has both Christian and Jewish holidays, as well as things that might be obscure outside the region – like the Great Chicago Fire of 1876 on October 8th. Or the day the state of Israel was created on May 14th, or V-E Day for WW2 Veterans on May 8th.July features the day Howard Hughes had his World Flight, July 14th. Or the day WW1 began, July 28th. Or Fulton’s first Steamboat on August 11th. Or August 15th when the Panama Canal first opened. So many days to celebrate and/or remember.It’s like a time-machine calendar.

All the while, you look up at this amazing piece of art for which my research has not found all too many online. So, either everyone likes the one they got, or this might be pretty rare. This is certainly the best condition.Of note, the staples have rusted. Otherwise, this gem was very well preserved for over 50 years.

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Additional information

Weight 0.50 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 1 in

